Cadebill Real Time Call Routing
Call routing has become complex in nature with a high level of competition. The price per minute of the call has decreased dramatically over the last few years and profit margin on a call is very small. The decreased revenue, reduced profit margin, increased competition, and number portability requires innovative routing solutions. Some factors, such as number portability, may have to be resolved only in real-time basis.
Cadebill offers both pre-determined routing solution and real-time routing solutions. Cadebill real time routing solutions offer the following features:
- Routing determination at every call level
- Ported number is determined at every call level.
- Time of the day routing
- Customer specific routing
- Profitability based routing
- Quality / Service Level based routing
- Real time introducing or suspending a vendor from routing
- Real time update to vendor digits and rates
- Ability to store multiple rate decks that automatically apply the rate deck based on call date and time. Vendor rates usually change at the beginning of the day. The upcoming new rates will be readily available to be used, when the day changes.
- Support for multiple time zones. International operations may have vendors at various time zones. The rate changes may be effective at vendor time zones. Cadebill Real time routing will use appropriately.
- Support for rates in multiple currencies.
- Call Detailed Record (CDR) of all attempted calls with ported number information to be used by your billing system
For the North American based call routing, Cadebill provides following additional features:
- LATA-OCN based vendor rates real time routing
- LATA-Tier (RBOC, non-RBOC, ICO etc) based vendor rates real time routing
- NPANXX base real time routing
- LNP dependent routing using Neustar ported number database in real time
- Jurisdictional (Interstate/Intrastate) based routing
- Presence of call origination number based routing
Cadebill provides real time routing solution, with the use of SIP protocol in VoIP networks. A high level overview of the solution is pictured below.

Cadebill Real time routing in integration with Cadebill Billing optionally offer a complete billing solution. Integration with Cadebill Interconnect solution offers a wide ranging solution for Interconnect carriers.
Cadebill Real time Routing solution is available either as Hosted solution or as licensed software solution. The hosted solution may be setup at our location or at your location, close to your Softswitch.
To learn more or for trial, please Contact us today.