CCH is a standard for tax rate and taxability research for the telecommunications, cable and utilities industries. CCH provides tax database for telecommunications & utility providers covering local, long distance, cellular, broadband, cable, electricity and natural gas.
Cadebill makes use of the CCH data and provides full telecom and utility taxation for US operations. Telecom service provider product catalog in Cadebill is mapped to appropriate CCH categories, and in conjunction with customer locations, the taxes are automatically calculated and included in the invoices. The calculated taxes are fully compliant with US local, state and federal tax regulations. Cadebill provides compliance reports to file collected tax with tax authorities.
OSG Billing Services provides fast, accurate and dependable invoice presentment and distribution services. As a trusted partner, OSG advises customers on direct billing strategies to improve the overall quality of the invoice and increase customer satisfaction. With a proven-process for invoice design, set-up and production, OSG can get invoices into the consumer’s hands quickly and error-free.
Services offered include: invoice consultation and design, error-free print and mail, targeted marketing programs, an automated document factory, online invoice management and electronic billing. These capabilities have made OSG Billing Services an award-winning direct billing provider.
Sansay VSX allows interconnect carriers in a variety of VOIP peering applications, without requiring traditional class 4 TDM switches in a call path. Sansay provides call routing, CDR generation capabilities with security and network privacy.
Cadebill has completed interoperability testing with Sonus PSX for Billing, OSS and routing solution for interconnect carriers using Sansay platforms. Integrated with Sansay, Cadebill offer functionalities for CDR processing, Customer billing, Revenue Assurance, Least Cost Routing, Optimal Call Routing, Profitability based Routing and Provisioning. Cadebill is integrated with Sansay in real time for management of resources, route groups, routes and routing tables. Carriers for routing in route tables are automatically uploaded, facilitating rapid changes to the routing. With Cadebill-Sansay combination, carriers benefit from swift reaction to the changes in rates, digits and traffic quality, resulting in profitable and high quality interconnect operations.
Sonus PSX Centralized Route Server facilitates network operators to streamline their networks, reduce their operating costs and deliver better customer service. The Sonus PSX server brings all of the network’s call routing into a central location—the IP network core—enabling network operators to efficiently route calls over a “centrally intelligent” IP network.
Cadebill has completed interoperability testing with Sonus PSX for Billing, Service Quality Measurement and Least Cost Routing. Cadebill provides mediation and rating engine for Call Detail Records generated by Sonus PSX. Cadebill Service Measurement performs analytical processing (OLAP) of the quality of the calls from Sonus CDRs and provides the Business Intelligence (BI) to compute the Service Level Agreements (SLA) provided to the customer and received from the vendors.
Cadebill provides an optimized call routing solution with various methods - Least Cost Routing, Digit Level Routing, Quality Based Routing, Profitability Based Routing, No Loss Routing, Capacity Based Routing, Multiple Switch Routing, North American LNP Aware Routing and a combination of any of these methods. Cadebill interfaces directly with Sonus PSX to upload the routing calculations in real time.
The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a global organization of adopters, developers, consultants, analysts, as well as university and research groups engaged in workflow and BPM. The WfMC creates and contributes to process related standards, educates the market on related issues, and is a standards organization that focuses on process driven methodologies.
Vertex Inc., is a leading global provider of indirect tax software and solutions. The company’s mission is to deliver the most trusted tax technology enabling global businesses to transact, comply, and grow with confidence. Vertex provides solutions that can be tailored to specific industries for major lines of indirect tax, including sales and consumer use, value added, and payroll. Headquartered in North America, and with offices in South America and Europe, Vertex employs over 1,200 professionals and serves companies across the globe.